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牙齒美白 牙醫

Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is usually done by using oxidising chemical agents such as carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide. The agent penetrates into enamel or dentine to lightens the stains or colours inside.

Tooth Whitening

Home Whitening System

The dentist will create a dental mold for the patient and then customize a fitted gum shield based on the shape of the mold. The patient will be advised to wear the gum shield with the bleaching agent injected into it every night at home for the teeth whitening treatment.

At-home teeth whitening can be done at home without visiting a clinic, allowing individuals to control the frequency and time of use according to their own needs, while saving time and transportation costs. Compared to in-office teeth whitening treatments such as blue light whitening or teeth strips, at-home teeth whitening is more affordable. With appropriate use, it can maintain the whitening effect and keep teeth bright for a long time.

Furthermore, since it is an at-home teeth whitening process that is self-operated, most teeth whitening products use low-concentration whitening agents. This reduces the stimulation to teeth and gums and minimizes possible side effects.


In-office Whitening Treatment

In-office tooth whitening procedure that uses Chairside Lamp (blue light) to activate < 6% hydrogen peroxide whitening gel and accelerate the bleaching process. In a session that lasts about 10-20 minutes, the bleaching process lightens discoloured enamel and eliminates stains while leaving the structure of your teeth intact and unchanged.

The process of blue light teeth whitening treatment is as follows:

1. Oral examination: The dentist will examine the teeth to ensure their healthy condition and rule out any dental diseases.

2. Teeth cleaning: Before the whitening treatment, the dentist will clean the teeth to remove tartar and surface stains, ensuring better whitening results.

3. Application of whitening gel: The dentist will apply the whitening gel evenly on the teeth and use a special blue light to activate the gel. The light triggers the release of oxygen molecules from the gel, which then breaks down stains and dirt on the surface of the teeth.

4. Mouth rinsing: After the whitening treatment, the dentist will ask the patient to rinse their mouth to remove any remaining whitening gel.

5. Exposure time: The exposure time is generally 10-20 minutes, depending on the situation.

6. Frequency: Typically, 2-3 treatment sessions are necessary to achieve the best whitening results.

It is important to note that blue light teeth whitening treatment should be performed by a dentist and there may be temporary tooth sensitivity. If you have tooth sensitivity or other dental problems, you should consult a dentist before undergoing any whitening treatment. 

Advantage of blue light teeth whitening treatment

Compared to other teeth whitening methods such as at-home whitening or whitening toothpaste, blue light teeth whitening can be completed in a short amount of time, usually taking only one to two hours to see significant results. Additionally, blue light teeth whitening can quickly enhance the brightness of teeth and create a more even color tone.

By paying attention to diet and oral hygiene and avoiding factors that can cause teeth discoloration, the whitening effect of blue light teeth whitening can typically last for six months to over a year.

Blue light teeth whitening is a non-invasive treatment that does not cause harm to teeth or gums, and the whitening agent used is a safe and approved product. However, it may not be suitable for individuals with tooth sensitivity, cracked or worn teeth, and other dental issues. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with a dentist before undergoing blue light teeth whitening to determine if it is a suitable treatment option.

Points to note before and after tooth whitening:

Before using whitening agents

  1. Whether it is at-home or blue light teeth whitening treatment, it may not completely remove all stains or discoloration.
  2. Before using any teeth whitening products, it is recommended to consult with a dentist, follow their instructions, and use them correctly to avoid damaging the gums or teeth.
  3. The common ingredient in teeth whitening products is hydrogen peroxide, and high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide can cause irritation and damage to the oral and digestive systems. If you accidentally swallow teeth whitening products, seek medical attention as soon as possible for professional treatment and advice.

After whitening

  1. Attend follow-up appointments as scheduled to ensure the best outcome of the teeth whitening treatment.
  2. It is important to note that the effects of teeth whitening treatment are not permanent, and the whitening effect typically only lasts for a certain period of time. Regular whitening treatment is necessary to maintain the brightness of teeth.
  3. After whitening, there may be temporary tooth sensitivity. If necessary, use desensitizing toothpaste to soothe the sensitivity. In the short term, it is also recommended to avoid drinking cold drinks or eating acidic foods that may exacerbate sensitivity.
  4. It is recommended to reduce consumption of beverages that are known to cause teeth discoloration, such as coffee, red wine, strong tea, and milk tea.
  5. Smoking can cause significant discoloration of teeth, as well as a host of other health problems. It is strongly recommended to avoid smoking to maintain healthy teeth and overall health.


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